
Clash of Clans discord bot to get clan and war stats, zapquake combos, next trader item occurrences, and more with in-game like image based responses.

Discord Verified

1500+ Servers

150k+ Users

super troops

Super Troops

Find who among your clan mates have any particular super troop active currently. Just type /clan-super and select the super troop from the list.

ZapQuake Combos

Find ZapQuake combos to take down any level hero or defense with the least spell space possible. Higher level clan castle spells and heroes under warden aura supported too. Try it online!

zapquake combos
trader cycle

Trader Cycle

Save your current day trader items once and find the next occurrence of any magic item in your daily deals, whenever you want. Want a reminder? The bot can do that too!

Clan Stats

Get the town hall composition of your clan with average heroes, pets, trophies, war stars, attacks, and donations of individual town hall levels.

clan stats

War Scoreboard

Get various stats of an ongoing regular or league war like total stars, destruction, attacks used, best attacks distribution, and time remaining.

War Lineup

Get your own vs the enemy clan's townhall lineup in any ongoing war with hero, troop and spell progression percentages.

war lineup
clashverse bot invite

And Much More!

Create custom embeds with button roles for your server members and meet the friendly villager woman on discord.


No. ClashVerse is perfectly safe to use and doesn't violate clash of clans terms of service in any way. It is made using the api provided publicly by supercell themselves.

Yes, type /clashverse after adding the bot to get an user guide explaining all available features with instructions on how to use them. You can also find the bot invite and support server links in there.

Yes, absolutely. Click on the Demo Server button at the top to join the ClashVerse discord server where you can test out all available bot functionalities.

Click on the invite button at the top. It will redirect you to a discord page. Select your server from the list, click continue and then authorize.

Click on the Demo Server button at the top to join the ClashVerse support server where you can report bugs, ask for help, give feedbacks, or take part in any kind of discussion related to the bot.